4615 Bryce Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76107  817-737-4000


Divorce in Fort Worth

Putting years of legal experience into each case.

Ending a marriage is difficult and emotional, but having trusted counsel helps you navigate both the legal and emotional elements of a divorce. If you are facing divorce, planning ahead can avoid or lessen the financial and legal problems before they even arise.

A Texas divorce can involve unique and sometimes confusing issues regarding property. At Gardner Smith & Vaughan, our Texas divorce attorneys have experience in:

  • Complex asset valuation (including businesses, retirement accounts, and
    non-traditional investments)
  • High net worth divorces
  • Child custody, child support, and other child-related issues
  • Mediation and arbitration
  • Spousal maintenance
  • Enforcements
  • Modifications

When divorce is imminent, we can help you understand your rights and options.

Let our experience represent your interests.
We want the best outcome for you.

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